Announcements and Articles
Message from the Pastor regarding coronavirus
Dear Saint Benedict/ Saint Francis Xavier Parishioners: As we continue to grapple with the evolving situation of COVID – 19, the coronavirus, Archbishop Cordileone has given dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass to: Those fearing of contracting the...
By Order of the SF Health Officer: Number of persons gathering for Mass
The Order of SF Health Officer has been revised as of Friday, March 13 (number of people in Mass gathering reduced from 250 to 100). So, we are still waiting for updates from the Archbishop's Office and the Office of Worship. Hopefully we receive another memo today....
June 30, 2019: Installation of Father Paul Zirimenya as Pastor
10th Biennial ICDA-US Conference July 14-19, 2019
Click for details
2019 Holy Week and Easter Schedule
2019 Easter
Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 20 at 8:00 pm Mass of the Resurrection, Sunday, April 21 at 10:30 am
Ash Wednesday 2019
For deaf Catholics, a gesture from Pope Francis meant the world
Michael J. O’Loughlin | America Pope Francis communicated more with one hand on June 27 than many in the audience had seen in a long time from a church leader. With a smile on his face and his right arm raised in the air, Francis placed his two middle fingers in his...
Holy Week and Easter 2018
March 25: Palm Sunday Mass 10:30 am March 29: Holy Thursday Mass 7:00 pm March 30: Good Friday Passion of the Lord 7:00 pm March 31: Easter Vigil Mass 8:00 pm April 1: Easter Sunday Mass 10:30 am
Mark Seven Bible Institute (27 Aug – 1 Sept, 2017)
Open to ages 18+ You are welcome to join us at Camp Mark Seven on the week of 27 August to September 1 as we explore these and many more questions. The study week will have three workshops per day, recreational activities (including a boat ride across Fourth Lake,...