Announcements and Articles

How to make your contribution online

No offertory gifts need be lost because of the suspension of attendance at Masses. Contributions are critical to parish operation. The San Francisco Archdiocese has set up a new and convenient means to keep each parish community healthy and strong even when the church...

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Holy Thursday and the Easter Vigil

Dear Friends: All Mass intentions scheduled for Holy Thursday and the Easter Vigil  will be fulfilled. Please send a message via messenger if you have a Mass intention. Masses will NOT be livestreamed. Fr. Paul  

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Holy Week 2020 Schedule

  Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord April 05 Mass at 10:30AM TRIDUUM SCHEDULE Holy Thursday April 09 Mass of  the Lord’s Supper at 7:00PM Good Friday, April 10 Passion of the Lord at 7:00PM Holy Saturday/ Easter Vigil, April 11 Mass at 8:00PM Easter Sunday,...

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Fr Paul: Livestreaming of ASL Masses

Dear Parishioners, I have been corresponding and coordinating with ICDA-US' Board regarding Spiritual Communion with our Deaf brothers and sisters around the United States and Canada and I would like to pass along information on Livestreamed ASL Masses, Adoration, and...

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Update on Coronavirus Precautions from Archbishop Cordileone

MEMORANDUM To: Priests of the Archdiocese From: Most Rev. Salvatore J. Cordileone Archbishop of San Francisco Date: March 16, 2020 Re. Update on Coronavirus Precautions As you are all aware by now, the Health Officers of six Bay Area counties (San Francisco, Marin,...

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Catholic Mass on TV

Each Sunday a Catholic TV Mass is aired on a number of TV channels throughout the Bay Area Dioceses, offered by Monsignor Harry Schlit and Father Dave Ghiorso. The Catholic TV Mass focuses on our Catholic community for those who are homebound, residing in assisted...

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Message from the Pastor regarding coronavirus

Dear Saint Benedict/ Saint Francis Xavier Parishioners: As we continue to grapple with the evolving situation of COVID – 19, the coronavirus, Archbishop Cordileone has given dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass to: Those fearing of contracting the...

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Sunday Mass: 10:30 AM in American Sign Language with voice interpretation in English


St. Benedict Parish for the Deaf at St. Francis Xavier Church

1801 Octavia Street San Francisco, California 94109

Voice/TTY: 415-567-9855

Video Phone: 415-255-5837 & 415-255-5768